Ready for Summer

    This feels like the weird point in the school year where there are one or two important assignments left for each class. It's hard not to just check out and look towards the summer, but grades can easily slip if you do that. For completing final projects or assignments, they are all usually due at around the same time, so it is important to break up the work. This is something that I am terrible at,
and I end up having to do everything the last week.

    Another weird feeling is the quick change of hard work at school to the freedom of summer. You put in all this hard work and then all of a sudden you walk out of your last exam questioning the relaxation. It usually takes me a couple of days to realize I don't have to think about school anymore. 

    I have many reasons to look forward to this summer. First, I should be able to start baseball activities early on in the summer, which I am really excited for. Also, hanging out with friends and being able to relax more. Finally, working with the Reds. It feels like a lot when I work now because of the combination of school and work. But, once it is just work, I will feel much less busy. 

    Going back to the weird point of right now, I feel like I'm just waiting to get out of here for the summer. I have fun here at ONU, but there just isn't anything exciting for me until I get out of school, so I naturally just want to get this semester done.

    In the end, I don't really have much to write about for these last few weeks. It's mostly just doing work and preparing for the summer. I guess the best way to get through it is to just go one day at a time. 


  1. Your summer sounds like it's going to be great just with being able to go to all of those Reds games and work. Summer couldn't come any slower. This summer is going to be one we all definitely need and lets hope it doesn't fly by.

  2. I totally agree this part of the semester is always the worst. The weather turning and summer around the corner is all so tempting to throw the towel in. However I, like you, push everything off and crunch it in at the end. However, I sgree that this is a habit that both of us need to try and improve on. On another note, your internship sounds amazing and baseball will be a lot of fun I’m sure!

  3. I agree I think this is definitely an awkward time, but I believe it will fly by before you even know it. I am very excited for this summer as well. Hope you have a great summer Drew Gavin!


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