Marketing with YouTube

    YouTube is one of the most recognized apps around the world, so it isn't surprising that it is the second most popular social media platform. YouTube has been popular for a long time unlike some other social media apps. Another interesting thing about YouTube is that it reaches all generations more evenly. The 25-34 range is still the most popular, but there isn't a drastic change in usage among other generations. A couple more demographic facts include that there are slightly more males on the app and the U.S is the second ranked country for usage.

    YouTube advertisements have changed a lot over time. You used to be able to skip right away, but now you have to watch at least five seconds of most ads. It varies on the ad, however, some force you to watch the whole thing or thirty seconds. YouTube has also implemented surveys for after some ads in an attempt to gain feedback from the audience. Personally, I notice YouTube ads more than any other social media app. I haven't directly been influenced by one, but I'm sure some ad has unconsciously suggested something to me. 

    A huge reason for why YouTube advertisements are successful is because they are in video form. It is a lot more common for other social media apps to use picture advertisements. Studies have shown that video form is much more useful than pictures. I can agree with this because you can't ignore it. You already have the sound up for whatever video you want to watch, so people usually just listen to the ad even if they don't care. This gives marketers a better chance to catch the user's attention. 

    YouTube's consistent popularity has given companies a reliable choice for advertising. The app has always been so popular, and with the benefit of reaching more generations it is hard to turn down YouTube as a main focus for social media advertising.


  1. I love YouTube and I used to get annoyed by not being able to skips the ads after they changed that. The older I have gotten the more I find myself getting invested in some of these ads and almost watching them all of the way through. Then sometimes I get some ad for a product I would never use. Either way I am glad you can skips most after 5 seconds

  2. YouTube ads have become increasingly longer over the years. Sometimes I find myself watching 1-minute-long ads and they will have nothing to do with the video. But now YouTube is making some better changes to them and sometimes they have surveys that can start generating ads that you might be interested in.


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