First Experience Working with the Reds

    It was pretty surreal when I was walking towards the Reds stadium in a suit and tie. I had a lot of excitement from starting my internship to the MLB season starting. I didn't know what to expect, but I knew opening day would be one of the busiest days of the season. 

    Thankfully, we were there really early so I had plenty of time to learn where everything was and what I was doing for the day. Also, we were separated into teams, so you weren't on your own. I ended up selling all you can eat passes behind the outfield seats. It isn't the most glamorous thing, but it helped me ease into the internship with something pretty simple. 

    It was so weird being at the game but not being able to watch that much. We could see a TV, but the crowd would cheer or boo before we saw what had happened. I was stoked that the Reds ended up winning the first game to hopefully start a great season. 

    I ended up working on Saturday and Sunday as well, so it was a pretty busy weekend for me. Some highlights were meeting Andrew Abbott (Reds Starting Pitcher) in the elevator and getting off of work in the 4th inning Saturday and watching the rest of the game with my parents. It was awesome to immediately walk into the game environment after I clocked out. 

    Another fun part of the weekend was meeting all of the other interns. It can definitely be intimidating not knowing anyone, but it helps when most people are in the same boat. I was able to make some friends early on, making the job a lot more fun. 

    In the end, it's nice to have a weekend under my belt. I now know what to expect and will only get more comfortable from here on out. 


  1. This sounds like an awesome expirence! Not only do you get to be around the sport you love but you also get to work for a local team (which I would assume they are you favorite team). An expirence like this is unforgettable but you also gain work expirence while being there. I wish you the best of luck with this internship.


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